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Thread from /b/

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what is a music streaming service and how do i learn it? what does this do, for example, that i cant do with my computer with mp3 files on it which are on my cloud drive and synced with my phone and tablet?
this blob of text means nothing, its like chinese:
>Pandora is a subscription-based music streaming service owned by the broadcasting corporation Sirius XM Holdings that is presently based in Oakland, California inside of the United States. The service carries a focus on recommendations based on the "Music Genome Project", which is a means of classifying individual songs by musical traits such as genres and shared instrumentation. The service originally launched in the consumer market as an internet radio service that would generate personalized channels based on these traits as well as specific tracks liked by the user; this service is available in an advertising-supported tier and additionally a subscription-based version. In 2017, the service launched Pandora Premium, which is an on-demand version of the service more in line with contemporary competitors. 
how do i become able to have a use for this service?
i want to learn this
then i could talk to rebecca
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>That's why 2Dbros are always winning.
2D can only go so far these days, unfortunately. Can't literally fuck them yet.
Problems also rise when 3DPD gives you shit for whatever reason. Not caring about them and "staying winning in your head", as it were, seems like some sort of coping behaviour.
Replies: >>199317
Spoiler File
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>2D can only go so far these days, unfortunately. Can't literally fuck them yet.
Bro... just one word. Imagination.
I also like visual novels because of the complete experience they provide (dating + sex, in ways that ease self-insertion). The zoomer variant of that would be those weird AI things, I guess.
>Problems also rise when 3DPD gives you shit for whatever reason.
What do you mean??
>Not caring about them and "staying winning in your head", as it were, seems like some sort of coping behaviour.
Yes, and? There's nothing much better to do. I'm not going to larp as some "strong" "never give up dude" "chad" or whatever.
Replies: >>199319
How is that a bad thing? It gets a large number of time-wasters out of the way immediately.
Replies: >>199319
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Which can only go so far,even if you're a 5. The next step would be stuff like lucid dreaming, astral projection, summoning of succubi etc, but i don't think i have the faculties for it.
>I also like visual novels because of the complete experience they provide (dating + sex, in ways that ease self-insertion).
Reliance on english translations results in hitting an upper limit of what you can read after a while. I've read 1000+ hours worth of VNs. I love them, but they're a poor substitute for human interaction, and intimacy.
>The zoomer variant of that would be those weird AI things, I guess.
I don't really understand your disdain for AI chatbots and the like; they're paving the way for what'll become the intimacy surrogate of the future.
Paying for such things is obviously stupid, but setting up a local chatbot and finding a GPT4 key is beyond me. Or whatever the hell is required for those things.
>What do you mean??
They actively seek me out and torment me. It may be a me problem. And I'm not talking about anything happening on the Internet.
>How is that a bad thing?
It's a bad thing when it whittles down your dating pool down to profound r
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Replies: >>199320
>and will excommunicate you for not using whatever apps they're using, especially an app like Spotify
I have never had this experience. What in the fuck are you talking about? I am aware that people are retarded but refusing to interact based on a lack of a specific smartphone application is something I have never run across and I now am forced to wonder if you are a reliable narrator.

I am pretty open about how smartphones are a waste of time and outside of some lighthearted banter about "living like a hillbilly" it has not affected my ability to make friends or talk to women.

Thread from /fascist/

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If you have a one-liner question that won't generate much discussion and isn't related to moderation or requests, or want to post something of interest to /fascist/s but doesn't deserve a thread, post it ITT.
Previous Threads:
Last edited by orlog
597 replies and 158 files omitted. View the full thread
>public perception

Non issue.
Public perception is shaped by whoever is in power and in control of media and communications.
Jews have been in total control of that since 1945,, but the moment any other entity will conquer power and change the narrative, the big masses will believe and follow whatever new narrative will be fed to them.
>the class struggle is the whole reason our own elites betrayed us though. they had more in common with high-IQ jews than their own people
It was because they were decadent and degenerate.  NS already solved this, avoiding the "men without chests" syndrome of aristocracy / 'nobility' by cultivating future leaders through the SS, where no such man could survive.  However, Hitler made a mistake keeping the previous German nobility around when he should have fed them to the sharks as soon as possible.

Also IIRC, the good Roman emperors were adopted and the shit ones were direct descendants, so really this has been figured out for a long time.  It's simply understanding what "regress to the mean" means and not giving some idiot power when he didn't inherit the specific traits the previous leader had.  As usual, recently made up jew bullshit like 'class struggle' is just obscuring UNDERSTANDING NATURE while the Rothschilds beat us all over the head with it.
I don't call myself fascist, I call myself National Socialist. I don't care what lemmings think and I don't care that lefties are whining about Israel, they will never be allies especially since most of them are Jews or Jewish mutts.
It's not about who's more powerful it's about who they fear more.
Yes there is, their behavior has always been that way and it was observed as such long before Communism ever reared it's ugly head out of christniggerism, Taiwan must have been racially isolated from the mainland and as such was not subject to the mongrelization that the rest of China has been subject to for thousands of years.

Thread from /v/

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Sony Replaces The Word “Hard” With “Crime” In ‘Stellar Blade’ After Being Accused Of Racism
Alleged Internal Ubisoft Document Declares “Representation Is Part Of Our DNA” And It “Firmly Stands For Diversity And Inclusion”
>This alleged document was shared to social media by YouTuber TheQuartering. The document begins, “First, we want to make it very clear that we do not accept hate, harassment and other forms of abuse in any way, and we are deeply saddened to see the negativity and hatred currently spreading on our co-workers’ personal profiles, and on our and our partners’ social media platforms.”
>It continues, “We are proud to represent the diversity and inclusion that exists in society as part of our everyday work. Representation is part of our DNA and will remain that way regardless of external pressure or influences.”
>Next, the document instructs, “If you are exposed to or witness any negative behaviours towards your colleagues online, do not hesitate to reach out to your manager, Arcade HR or the Communications Team. We are here to help. Should a situation escalate to a point where you feel unsafe, please contact the Ubisoft Security and Risk Management (SRM) team. SRM has a team of dedicated staff to manage security concerns: they will assess the severity of the situation and provide personalized guidance. As always, report immediate and sever personal safety concerns to your local emergency number.”
>“Given the current polarization of this topic online, we believe that having a respectful and constructive dialogue is difficult – if not impossible – to achieve. In this context, we ask you not to engage in or interact with these conservations, as this could worsen the situation for yourself, our teams and our industry peers. You can also set your accounts to private and/or turn off private messages from people who are no tin your list of trusted friends. Do his across all your social accounts, even if you are only receiving unwelcome messages on certain platforms.”
Games Workshop CFO Sells Two-Thirds Of Her Shares Amid Growing Warhammer Boycott
>Rachel Tongue, the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Games Workshop, sold two-thirds of her stake in the company worth approximately $865,000 as hobbyists have begun cancelling their Warhammer+ subscriptions and have indicated they will boycott the company.
A Response To GamesRadar’s Abigail Shannon And Her First Warhammer Experience: This Female Gamer Is A Male Ally
Sweet Baby Inc Detected curator launches DEIDetected website
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There's some psychological effect I forget the name of that pretty much amounts to
>well everybody else is already there I might as well use it
combined with
>I don't care about privacy or quality at all because I'm a normalnigger
Because they literally blocked sales of the game in those countries, lol
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Hey, did you guys know that one of the top films currently being viewed in the United States is a film called Civil War?
<What does this have to do with video games?
Well since I figured this be a fun note of trivia for you, the writer and director for Civil War, Alex Garland, is also the lovely person that wrote the video game masterpiece and Mexican soap opera Fuck You! A DMC Production: https://archive.ph/XkmLQ#selection-3782.0-3992.0
Replies: >>244914
No wonder it sucks
Replies: >>244915
You saw it? Care to provide the deets?

Thread from /k/

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Current Happenings:
>Absolutely nothing

Link Dump: 
https://www.oryxspioenkop.com/2022/02/attack-on-europe-documenting-equipment.html (documents equipment losses; strong Ukrainian bias)
https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/6/viewer?z=6&mid=1iE-0CwiZnHYtLgndqU3l2G7VInoZE9o (THETI maps: shows both troops deployments and conflict areas)
https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=1_JYk9u6A-TBxADdy2oqLfjFQr5koKT8 (Weeb Union Map)
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The Ukrainians keep trying to blow up Russian refineries, despite the Biden administration telling them to knock that shit off. If they actually manage to Pepcon the shit out out one of them then things might get pretty heated in Ukraine.  Also Europe and America will suffer a fuel shortage and rising prices going into an election.

>post 1776
>Russians coming for New York
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>make AI spokesperson
>make a nigger
Replies: >>1790
It’s to make the new Ukrainians feel welcome when they come after the war.
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Thread from /b/

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/cow/ seems to be present today, so here's a loli thread to ward them away! Evil spirits out, blessings in!!!!!!!
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Most of Americans, British and Canadians end up 41% themselves in a way or the other.
tvchtroons and cattle are spamming real CP all across zzzchan, again.
Replies: >>199312
Stop noticing things! Otherwise the guntstream faggots will spam more CP and blame everyone here for it!
Replies: >>199315
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Thread from /b/

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ITT we seriously discuss utterly irrelevant, vague and inconclusive topics that have zero impact or weight on anything at large for several weeks, until we get to 450 replies and have achieved absolute nothing but waste time.

By the way, no, this isn't meant to be some kind of indirect, passive-aggressive nudge or critique of anything on the board or anyone here, I just want to do this for no particular reason.
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There's a thing called sleep deficit that can fuck you up in a lot of ways, if you're having those long periods of sleep your body is actively trying to prevent you from breaking down entirely (both physically and mentally) from exhaustion. Shit sucks man.
Oh and 
>How do I stop waking up at 5 in the morning for no reason.
Put tape over any lights that are coming from whatever devices are in your room and get blackout curtains for your bedroom windows. The device lights in particular can have a particularly disruptive effect on your sleep, and if you have street lamps leaking light through your blinds at night that doesn't help things either. If you take naps then stop, or at least take them at a different time of day if you can manage that, even a half hour catnap can fuck your sleep schedule up.
Kind of related to this topic, why do I suddenly feel like I want to urinate after I masturbate, specifically when I'm on my bed at night?
Replies: >>199308
>why do I suddenly feel like I want to urinate after I masturbate
Ejaculation probably results in the prostate and surrounding musculature jostling the bladder around, which results in a desire to pee.
Also, "clearing the pipes" as such.
Replies: >>199309
I guess it's a bit weird how I don't feel this as much when I do it on my chair.

Thread from /b/

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Having a cup of tea.
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By pouring it into a heat-resistant vessel.
Replies: >>199208
Bit there's no grabbing of the liquid involved there.
Replies: >>199230
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why are you pretending to be retarded?
Replies: >>199302
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Having a cup of tea.
He was clearly trying to kid around with you but I guess you're just an asshole.

Thread from /b/

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>The zzzchanner fears western animated beauty
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nobody here is talking about bloodborne, xboxloser
So has anyone seen Gandahar? I already asked but was ignored. If you like western animation it's worth your time imo, it's a very strange movie too so it hits that dreamlike feeling perfectly if you're into that.
Replies: >>199278 >>199280
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No but this cool robot is from it.
Replies: >>199280 >>199300
Thought the same thing. I was scrambling through my download folder to post it to >>199273 but couldn't find it.
I watched Planète Sauvage once and sort of liked it. If this movie is in the same vein it might be worth the watch, I've always found the weirdness in old yuro animation endearing.
Replies: >>199300
Well you should see it so you can watch the cool robots wipe out a bunch of fairies or whatever the good guys were supposed to be.
>Planète Sauvage
Haven't seen that one but at a glance it looks every bit as strange as Gandahar, looks like I've got something to watch tonight now.

Thread from /v/

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Books and Tutorials
Sometimes they get nuked but >we try to keep them updated.

Thread making resources + the OP can be found here: https://mega.nz/#F!Suhz0D5Y!BSrBrV1kxK9B5G1SSiJmwQ

Helpful Resources
Learn fundamentals with excercises: drawabox.com
8Chan Art Wiki: infiniteart.wikia.com/wiki/InfiniteArt_Wiki
Online poses with timer: quickposes.com/en/gestures/timed
HOW TO DRAW - an /ic/ guide: hubpages.com/art/how-to-draw-learn
Drawfag resources: mediafire.com/folder/5strtvods5gda/Drawgfag_Resources

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435 replies and 250 files omitted. View the full thread
>turned into something needlessly controversial over time
Wait what happened? I thought the devs just had too much shit going on irl to have the time to bother with it anymore. I had stopped paying attention to the threads because fuck all for updates were coming out past a certain point though so I could've missed a bunch.
Replies: >>244909
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It was mostly hearsay and rumors about the devs still using 4um to ask for help and advertise it there.
It's been too long to recall all the details but I don't remember it being anything substantial beyond that, but I could be wrong. Maybe somebody else has archives and/or the full story. 
I could've sworn they had gotten a ban on 8v for that from a certain hebrew.
Digging into my archives, here's all I have:
Replies: >>244910
I found the thread 8v archive, here you go.
Sorry for blabbering on, I hope it's not too much of a hassle, considering the thread is about to hit bumplimit soon.
Replies: >>244911 >>244912
Fucking A everything reads like everyone is a bunch of redditors
I'm glad 8chan is dead
Imageboards died when people ignored rules 1 and 2
>Why are they even bothering with it anymore with Yooka Laylee inevitably just being a superior version of it?

Thread from /b/

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Just watched detachment. It was kikeshit.

Previous Thread: https://archive.is/7e5KU
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>listen to 30 seconds of happy hardcore
>go around grinning while trying to look subtly evil >:)
>try to come up with something edgy whenever an adult talks to you, but short on talking points
>hey kid, stop loiterin
>we're gonna replace you hehe, all we have to do is stay happy, we may have poisoned the food
>get fucked in both holes, still grinning to fit into character
>tvchan mod is now coming here to spam cp and seethe at random anons since his site is fucking dead
tvchan is just the mods circlejerking because they were too autistic not to ban all the actual users after having lost ao many petty arguments. actual mystery meat discordspic pedophiles and the only two memes they have are happy meal beaner and tranny-fucking macaco, both of which are forced and nobody actually thinks are funny.
>find a tattered surf board, pick it up
>ride a wave
>woah im a surfer now
>skin turns golden brown
>woah chawabunga dude sweet
>vote proposition 433 to save our waves!!

Thread from /b/

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I like mayonnaise and always put it in my food but I just thought, isn't it kind of gay?
Replies: >>199287 >>199290
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>>199285 (OP) 
Replies: >>199288 >>199290
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Replies: >>199290 >>199292
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>>199285 (OP) 
Replies: >>199292
See >>199288

Thread from /b/

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This speaks a lot about society.
Replies: >>199276 >>199291
>>199264 (OP) 
This reads like a Twitter post.
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No, fuck it. This is a Twitter post. Look at it, it's the exact same thing.
God forbid the cancer board theme helped illustrate my point. Only thing that's missing is the phone screencap aspect ratio.
What the fuck is wrong with current imageboard goers?
Replies: >>199289
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>in a twitter post
And that's where you're wrong.
Fuck off with this retarded assumption.
>What the fuck is wrong with current imageboard goers?
You're the only problem here.
>>199264 (OP) 
That pink catgirls have real tails but green catgirls have fake, butt plug tails?

Thread from /digi/

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This is a friendly off-topic singular thread-board for weary anons. There's no set topic here, so you can discuss anything you want as long as it follows the rules, we are also unapologetically gatekept.
Oh!, and we have lots of flags.
Have fun!

Board rules (READ NIGGER READ)

Di Gi Charat music collection
Last edited by dejiko
495 replies and 321 files omitted. View the full thread
>btw check this sega rally fangame, if thats your thing. song made by the crush 40 dude from sonic games.
looks very good
i just heard a british man call gasoline "gas" and not "petrol." what is happening to the world?
Replies: >>23471
i thought british people say gas instead of petrol.
Replies: >>23472
no, americans and canadians say gas, brits and aussies say petrol
Replies: >>23473
what globalization does...

Thread from /b/

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Where do I get a dog like this?
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>only one person is making fun of me and my obnoxious referencing of amygdala and strange fixation with being mad about the word "based"
You got btfo by your own screencap that you used to post all the fucking time because you're stupid enough to not read your own sources and you're also stupid enough to get angry every time someone says "based" to the poont of predictability.
If you genuinely don't understand that anons are using your faggot behavior to get a rise out of you then you are a genuine bona fide autistic retard.
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><never pointed out anything that explicitly refutes anything written in the screencap
You're just gonna pretend that >>198246 didn't happen huh?
>scroll to the bottom and see you said "nuh uh" in a sagepost
lol fuckin autistic coward
Replies: >>199281
>more nuh uh
Why is this the hill you want to die on? You've been doing this for months and all its gotten you is rightfully deserved mockery.
Replies: >>199281
What she said???

Thread from /rozen/

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Oh, but I wanted a slice of that cake...
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I probably deserved that...
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Thread from /v/

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Planned release date: Q1 2024

#1: https://files.catbox.moe/p9ivcb.zip
#2: https://files.catbox.moe/85kj7n.zip
#3: https://files.catbox.moe/bgkd2g.zip
#4: https://files.catbox.moe/bosv0h.zip
#5: https://files.catbox.moe/plzavp.zip
#6: https://files.catbox.moe/szw3sc.zip
#7: https://files.catbox.moe/09ke9b.zip

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What's everybody working on for issue 10?
I want to start on planning the cover, starting with a more fitting artwork for this layout >>244231.
It would be nice if the artwork reflected what's in the magazine as well.
Replies: >>244895 >>244908
nigger, did you forget how to count?
Replies: >>244896 >>244897
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Anon, wake up. Issue #9 happened months ago. It's 2026.
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>nearly half the magazine is the Rad Dude comic
I am sure glad the Slaps and Beans review made it in time, otherwise this issue would have featured more comics than actual vidya-related stuff.

>Gotham Knights sounds even worse than I thought it was.
You know, the combat can even be fun at times, but the propaganda, the repetitiveness, the awful dialogues, the ugly characters (the police detective that took Jim Gordon's place is a female spic, there's also a faggot in a wheelchair that complains about people being "mean" to him, and lots of "female" officers who are either ugly sheboons or look like men) really make the game much worse than it already is.
I also wrote the review before all the Sweet Baby inc. shit came to light.
What i wrote about the repetitiveness is true, while on patrol, you will hear the police radio saying something like: "criminal hideout located, go investigate" so when you reach the place, it is either the same bar with pool tables inside, or the planetarium, and the enemies you find inside are always the same (both in type and number) and placed the same way, so you already know what to expect every time you go in there, and can use the same approach every single time.
In the bar, for instance, you can always take the first three thugs out silently with ease, because two of them are close to each other facing a jukebox, and the other one is always using the broom while facing the wall.
Every time you go there, you will find the same enemies placed in the same way, EVERY SINGLE TIME.
And this is the same for every other type of mission.
Also it's clear how it was meant to be a game as a service and they changed their plans last minute, because it is still structured like one.

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Thread from /v/

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Palworld got a thread so fuck it. I want to talk about HellDivers 2.
This shit wasn't even on my radar until a friend said to check it out. I checked out of gameplay vids and it looked fun, sure enough I'm having a blast. 

I feel like this is the Starship troopers game we were supposed to get with it being just as campy as it should be. It also feels like they took inspiration from warhammer 40k as well considering the bots have a scout walker. 
Guns are fun to use, they could use a tiny buff but I can live with them they way they are. The secondaries all have their uses like the Autocannon being a good slapper and the Railgun being great at getting rid of the big guys. It gets hectic really fast on the harder difficulties and you really need to solid snake your way around the levels unless you want to be drowning in bugs and bots.

So far there are only 2 factions but it looks like there might be at least 4. Each completely change the way you play with the bugs being the unstoppable horde with the designated wallbreaker units like the charger, the bile spewers to bust you when you've bunkered up. Then there is bots. They shoot back, call in support and really seem like a worse threat. There is a current defend order against them and it's an absolute meat grinder. I love the way their eyes light up when they spot you, it casts a glow and looks nice and intimidating. The game has a ton of little details like your soldiers cries becoming more panicked as more enemies com
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Player count should drop somewhat as Sony is already getting ready to block the game in the 177 regions that do not support PSN accounts.
Replies: >>244898
needing accounts to play video games. jesus you guys are faggots. C'mon own up, who made a PSN account?
Antarctica bros... how will we recover?
Replies: >>244907
>I disliked Sony BEFORE it was cool
Who cares you hispter faggot.
penguin uprising WHEN?

Thread from /v/

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What is this?
>Sven Co-op is a co-operative game originally based around Valve Software's Half-Life.
>In this game players must work together against computer controlled enemies and solve puzzles as a team.

Join the server, its IP address and port are:

All weekends until May 25, including this one starting 7:00 PM (UTC).
Or whenever (You) want, even on weekdays. Just post ITT for anons to join the server.

Windows and Linux (both packed together), choose one of these:
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145 replies and 153 files omitted. View the full thread
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Testing your download speed for the server, and so far it's taken ~40 minutes to download one map and it's still not finished. The map in question is chancars. I think I'll download the rest manually.
Replies: >>244889
Join in to try the new maps

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OP which cracklife campaign did you download? I'm stuck in perpetual loading since it wasn't in the new map pack.
Replies: >>244906
From http://scmapdb.wikidot.com/map:crack-life

Thread from /v/

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What have you bene playing lately? If you're human and play games on the regular there might be something about them that has stuck to you and you deem worthy of sharing. If faggot e-celebs exist it is proof that plenty can be said about videogames, whether good or bad. Gameplay, story, characters, its sounds department or its music, the graphics or lack thereof, and the like.

For instance, I've been meaning to finish Forbidden Siren on the PS2, and you can tell it's a Japanese game because there are funny slanted faces plastered over the 3D mesh equivalent of a potato.
Gameplaywise it plays like your average survival horror game with a unique twist. For some reason I'm yet to figure out, the player characters have the ability to "sightjack" the vision of the faggots trying to kill you. Using this technique you can check on their behaviour and their movement pattern, as well as guessing where they are located using the map and their field of vision. It's a pretty cool gimmick the game was built on, given you're helpless most of the time and there are plenty of villagers with firearms sprinkled throughout the map.

That being said, I've only procrastinated completing this game because it's a fucking slog to play through. The gameplay loop consists of missions printed on time slots on some retarded looking bulletin board, and each mission needs one objective done to be completed. Keep in mind there are 10 different playable characters the story is constantly jumping to fr
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Replies: >>244892
What's with the anons that try to disown the MGS games and keep spouting only the Metal Gear games were any good? I've been seeing many of them lately and would at least like to know why's that.
t. hasn't played either MG nor MGS
Replies: >>244899 >>244901
The first MG was alright, but what annoyed me about it is that they don't tell you Schneider's radio frequency even though he gives you important hints. As far as I know the only way to find it out is by messing with the dial on a certain screen, they should have had a hostage or other contact tell you it like the other numbers.
Probably the same reason any other time the contrarian faggotry pops up on any /v/. The latest games sucked and people fellated the good games for so long so obviously we now have to shit on all except the absolute oldest ones as some kind of autistic course correction or what the fuck ever. I'll admit the dick sucking surrounding the first 3 MGS games is obnoxious but the games themselves are very well made, there was a lot of attention to little details that make them fun to play even today imo and no amount of the newer games being shitty is going to take that away from the older ones. Only MGS 1-3 matter anyway, Kojumbalaya didn't even want to keep doing the series after that and his pretentious wannabe movie director bullshit really started to leak into his projects after 3.
Oh yeah the Metal Gear games are pretty enjoyable as well but they get far less attention because most people don't want to take the time to get used to playing them so some more hardcore fans might be bitter about how comparatively unknown they are. Regardless I think comparing MG and MGS is kinda stupid anyway, it's an apples to oranges scenario in every way except maybe the story which you don't even need to know MG's story to understand MGS's.

Thread from /christian/

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Talk about 'WHOLESOME' shows and 'WHOLESOME' cute waifus.
This thread is NOT allowed to become a borderline /a/ exclave.
Posts advocating for yuri/shota (aka homosex) and other degenerate animes are NOT allowed.
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Things have been pretty slow since /Christian/ moved here but I don't want this thread to end so I'm going to recommend another anime.
Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom is one of the best anime I've ever seen. I don't want to give spoilers but the story is about characters who have their memories erased and are forced to become assassins for a criminal organization. 
As the story develops, many things are questioned such as freedom, the meaning of life, forgiveness and others, I hope you give it a chance
Replies: >>26626
this looks interesting anon, thank you for the recommendation, in turn I will recommend Ergo Proxy to you, quite a unique anime that came out during the golden age of the 2000's. God keep you friend durings these dark days
Replies: >>26627
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>Ergo Proxy
I think I'm long overdue for a rewatch of that one. It was one of my favorites when I got into anime while I was still in high school.
The theme of Madoka Magica reminds me of Matthew 16:23. But is such anime ok? Is it respectful enough? I worry that it isn’t.
Replies: >>26644
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I think it's soulful and doesn't promote evil with its themes.
This scene made me think of the love Christ has for us always, even when we mistakenly can't see it or feel it.

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